Posted on Wednesday, September 2, 2009 - 1 comments -

Me and My Hobby.

As you can see I'm in full steam producing vodcasts of all sorts. Well not exactly. I just got a new motivation for this hobby of mine after taking a break from it for so long. It's my iPod that's causing all these. See, when you own one you'd have the ultimate portable media player you could find around currently. All sorts of media! and before this device could serve you to the best of its capability you've got to search for best quality media. That's when i became a frequent visitor of YouTube. The rest as they say, was history.

I found out how to download high definition videos from YouTube, how to create high definition videos from YouTube and that's basically what motivated me to continue producing vodcasts. I bet that story touched your heart right down to your left testicle, if you have it anyways. So there you go. I wonder what's going to motivate me the next time to get better in producing these vodcasts. I mean it's really amazing now. It used to be me having to wait all day to render the videos or upload it up to the netdom since my computer can only do so much especially when it comes to video editting. Now that my iPod is wi-fi enabled, i can surf the net on my iPod while waiting for videos to be ready or uploaded up. I can really spend all day editting. It's the only other thing i can trial and error with besides girls. oops.

Me and My Hobby.

There has been 1 Responses to “MORE COMING YOUR WAY.”

  1. Shamsofcourse says:

    testing comments box

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