Posted on Sunday, October 4, 2009 - 0 comments -

Have you always listened to love when it has come knocking on your door? When you heard the unfamiliar pounding, did you respond with a welcoming hello? Love can be all around us and we could miss it if we are not careful. Sometimes we must look and listen to various expressions from our loved ones very intently for the love they contain. Love can be a mother nagging her child to get better grades in school. Love can be calling a brother that is away overseas. If we look around often we can recognize that love has always been there waiting for you to open your eyes and trust.

Are you a patient person when it comes to love? If you do not know the answer to the question then I want you to ask yourself if you are a patient person in other aspects of your life. I have been told that I am a patient person but I am really a brat of sorts. I just do not let anyone know if I need anything. Are you guilty of trying to be too perseverant? Are you like a kid at Christmas when it comes to wanting to have things go your way? I see it
everyday. I see people that not only go after what they want but they get it. I know that this has not worked out for everyone for every thing and maybe it is not supposed to.

In your life, money matters, love and home stance, have you always been a solid person of goals? I have always tried until I felt the need to stop. I have always felt young and tried to go after what I wanted. I have stepped back when I felt like I could not achieve my goals and I always will. I have patience when it comes to many aspects of my life. When do you give up and just throw it all away? Do you ever believe there is a time to walk away? Is it acceptable to you to just stop loving and living and walk away from life’s problems? I try to love and live to the best of my ability. I try to love 100% with no equivocations even if it will always be that unattainable dream. Sometimes I fall short and I fail the one that I love.

What is an attainable dream? I have heard that it is peace for the world to share and for all of us to hold hands and light candles and sing Kumbaya. That is an extreme in itself. For now I do believe that one day will happen. Is love the unattainable dream? I think that it is attainable if you let love come to you. This is like asking the question” Why are we here?” Anyone have that answer? If love and peace are so attainable, then why is there so much misery and hate and heartbreak in the world. Your neighbor beside you can suffer heart ache and strife just the same as your fellow man, so why do we even try? What is so great about dreams?

If we did not dream, would we be able to love deeper, ask our friends to remember us, and tell them that “ I will be there to catch you when you fall”? I want to some day to get the chance to live the unattainable dream. Until I find
out what that is, I will just live like I will never get a chance to do it all again. I never want to stop dreaming.

What do you think is the unattainable dream? What is the reason for us to hope and push through to have a better future? Do you go after things just because you know that they are out of your reach? Why do we want things that we can not have?

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you
shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.“
~James Allen

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not
self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but
rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves."
~1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Peace of mind is attained not by ignoring problems, but by solving them.
~ Raymond Hull

There are hundreds of tasks we feel we must accomplish in the day, but if we do not take
one at a time and let them pass through the day slowly and evenly, as do the grains of
sand passing through the narrow neck of the hourglass, then we are bound to break our
own physical and mental structure.
~ Ted Bergernine

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